Protective or Restraining Orders

  • protectivefd

File or Defend a Restraining Order

Koohanim Law Firm can help you seek a restraining order against an abuser or a person who is harassing you. Our attorneys can also defend against frivolous restraining orders sought for unlawful reasons. There are several types of restraining orders and filing or defending one can prove to be a difficult task. Retaining an experienced attorney will ensure that you prepare the proper documents and receive help throughout the process.

Types of Restraining Orders

According to the California Courts website, there are four types of restraining orders available in California:

  • Domestic violence restraining order.
  • Elder or dependent adult abuse restraining order.
  • Civil harassment restraining order.
  • Workplace violence restraining order.1

Domestic Violence Restraining Order

A domestic violence restraining order may be issued if:

  • Someone has abused you; and
  • You have a close relationship with that person or you are closely related.2

Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Order

An elder or dependent adult abuse restraining order may be issued if:

    • You are 65 or older; or
    • You are between 18 and 64 and you are physically or mentally disabled; and have certain mental or physical disabilities that keep you from being able to do normal activities or protect yourself;


  • You are a victim of:
  • Physical or financial abuse;
  • Neglect or abandonment;
  • Treatment that has physically or mentally hurt you; or
  • Deprivation by a caregiver of basic things or services you need so you will not suffer physically, mentally, or emotionally.3

Civil Harassment Restraining Order

A civil harassment restraining order may be issued if you are being harassed, stalked, abused, or threatened by someone you are not as close to as is required under domestic violence cases, like a roommate, a neighbor, or more distant family members like cousins, aunts or uncles, or nieces or nephews.4

Workplace Violence Restraining Order

A workplace violence restraining order may be issued if:

  • You are an employer; and
  • You ask for a restraining order to protect an employee who has suffered stalking, serious harassment, violence, or a credible (real) threat of violence at the workplace.

An employee CANNOT ask for a workplace violence restraining order. If the employee wants to protect him or herself, he or she can ask for a civil harassment restraining order (or a domestic violence restraining order if the abuser is a partner/spouse or former partner/spouse or close family member). 5

Emergency Protective Order

In addition to a restraining order, an individual may seek an Emergency Protective Order or EPO. An EPO is issued by a law enforcement officer who can call a judge and issue the protective order immediately.6

Experienced Restraining Order Attorneys

Whether you are seeking to obtain a restraining order or whether a protective or restraining order has been issued against you, our attorneys have the experience to help you through the process. At Koohanim Law Firm, we can also defend you if you have been charged with violating a protective or restraining order. If you are dealing with a restraining order, contact our firm today!


Reference: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6