Hire Experienced Koohanim Law Firm Theft Crime Attorneys
Under California Penal Code Section 490(a), larceny, embezzlement, and stealing are to be interpreted as “theft”1. Theft is generally defined as the taking of another person’s property or money without the person’s permission.
Common theft crimes under California law:
- Shoplifting or petty theft
- Petty theft with a prior
- Grand theft
- Carjacking
- Burglary
- Robbery
- Armed robbery
- Vehicular theft
- Embezzlement
- Larceny
- Money laundering
- Credit card theft
- Identity theft
Theft crimes are serious charges and, depending on the circumstances of the case, sentencing in theft cases can range from probation to jail time. Determinant factors in sentencing may include the defendant’s prior criminal record, the nature of the offense, whether a deadly weapon was used, and the value of the property that was taken.
Reduce Your Sentence – Proposition 47
Proposition 47 requires lighter sentencing for certain drug and theft crimes. It also allows a person already serving a felony conviction to petition the court for resentencing. It also allows a person who has completed his or her sentence to petition the trial court to have their felony conviction reduced to a misdemeanor. If you are serving or have served a sentence for a felony drug or theft conviction, contact our firm to see if you can petition the trial court for resentencing or to change your felony conviction to a misdemeanor.
Contact Koohanim Law Firm
If you have been charged with a theft crime, no matter how small, contact our firm to get experienced criminal defense. Any conviction on your record will have serious repercussions, including damage to your personal and professional life. At Koohanim Law Firm our attorneys have successfully defended numerous clients against theft charges and we have the experience to help guide you throughout the legal process.
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